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Group Bonding


Everything you should have learned in sex ed, but didn’t.

Sexual education in this country is just plain bad, and as providers we see mis-education, poor understanding and so many unanswered questions.

Understanding one’s own body and cultivating a healthy relationship with sexuality is a crucial part of development for young adults.

Sexual health is directly connected to physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. These conversations aren’t always easy between families, so let us help.

In each 45-minute session we can address a range of topics including anatomy, physiology, menstruation, ejaculation, masturbation and pleasure, safe sex, birth control, STI’s, consent, pornography, body image, gender and sexual orientation.

Depending upon the age and needs of the person, we will customize the conversation.

This is a collaborative approach to care, with the young adult in the driver’s seat at all times, working together to decide what they are comfortable with and what they want to know. Education is a powerful tool, and our goal is for each person to leave better-informed, empowered, and happy.


Andrea Martin, Nurse Practitioner, headshot photo, smiling.

Board Certified Nurse Practioner

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