October has been a busy month of me-ternity leave.
I feel like I'm working harder than ever. So please pass on self care and relaxation tips if you have them. I'm in desperate need!
Starting with the funniest: I helped launch a viral video about the increased risk of erectile dysfunction from COVID-19. Watch this hilarious video from Urologists United for Vaccine Education, and share it with any men you know who haven't gotten their shots yet.
I attended the Sexual Medicine Society of North America's annual scientific fall meeting, where I was one of only 3 faculty for their first ever Fundamentals Course in Women's Sexual Health—an honor I will cherish for a lifetime. 🥰
A brilliant medical student I work with, Elsa Nico, presented our abstract on a successful case of treating "hard flaccid syndrome." Read about it here.
👀 Hard flaccid syndrome is a painful and bothersome condition where a flaccid penis is semi-erect, often due to a traumatic event. Lots of research is still needed on this topic. Our patient had AMAZING results with the incredible pelvic floor physical therapist Lauren Trosch (who is also quite savvy with instagram).
Not a lot of money or time gets put into rare medical conditions, especially ones relating to genitals or sexual health. It's one of my passions to do more collaborative research to help men and women with under-talked-about quality of life issues.
The best part of the meeting was catching up with mentors, colleagues and friends, and spending way too much time talking about it on twitter

I took a test. And passed!
I am so embarrassed that this is how I'm spending my me-ternity leave.
But this one was important and one I'm really proud of. I'm now officially a North America Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioner (NCMP).
Remind me to tell you about the time I took an exam the morning of my wedding ... true story.
And what about the business?
Well first, you should all be impressed that I've learned how to use this website to make these fancy blog posts! Wix makes it pretty easy.
I've gotten my LLC and my EIN (both super easy to do online).
I'm still looking for space to sublet. Looking at a few options in Rockville.
In process: banks, accountants, electronic medical records, and eventually hiring a staff. Any advice welcome.
We are also launching a pilot pelvic health multidisciplinary clinic with the wonderful team at Restore Motion Physical Therapy. At this clinic you would see Dr. Rubin, as well as a pelvic floor physical therapist and a nutritionist. Call Restore Motion at 301-881-9313 if you are interested. Dates are limited as this is only a pilot.

Honored to be named a Washingtonian Top Doctor, now 3 years in a row!
Even more fun that I got to be in the Lady Docs profile this year with all of my incredible colleagues.
Check out these amazing doctors as well as a recent post about the magic of hormones that I wrote for the Lady Docs blog!
This recent patient review made my day. It highlights how we don't just help individuals but couples and relationships!
"You have changed our lives. I was watching your video instagram post and my husband leaned over my shoulder to watch and said, 'I love you Dr. Rubin! You’re a genius!' So I want to be sure I know the minute your practice opens! THANK YOU!!!!!"
Reviews are a wonderful way to help people find out about us!
I'll end with family—so you don't all think I'm only focused on work!
We've been enjoying having both kids in school, though I will admit I've never enjoyed—or been particularly good at—making lunches in the morning.
Last week my kids both got a special day home with mom so they could get covid tested and make sure their snotty noses weren't something more serious. Thankfully all clear!
With the blink of an eye my youngest officially turned 3. 😭 Luckily he promises to act like a baby for many years to come and refuses to potty train. 🤦♀️ I've decided you can't win 'em all.
Good luck to all my fellow parents of young children as we change the clocks and head into winter.
Dr. Rubin, after my surgery at the VA later this month for my condition, I intend to develop an aggressive strategy/ plan to maximize the intimacy/ relationship and quality of life between my wife and me utilizing a variety of tools specifically your company and God’s grace .