Patient Relations Manager
Sophia welcomes you to our practice with care and compassion! She is the first person you will interact with when you call to find out more about us, schedule appointments, and come in for your appointments. She advocates for your health, will listen, and provide hope that you will be seen and heard at our practice.
She is a fierce advocate for sexual health and is dedicated to making sure that every person she encounters loves the skin they're in and everything that comes with it!
She has 10 years of experience working in a gynecology practice and has a passion for helping people. She is here to help coordinate your care at our office. Please call or email her with any questions and she will work hard to help you.
Senior Medical Assistant
Sophie helps out the team with patient care and advocacy, office logistics, research projects, and social media.
She recently graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, where she was pre-med and majored in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She grew up in DC (go GDS Hoppers!) and loves being back in the area.
She plans on applying to medical school next year, and can’t wait to bring what she learns from Dr. Rubin, Dr. Klos, Dawn, and Sophia with her.
Patient Advocate / Intern
Grace is one of our new Patient Advocate Interns! Grace graduated from Bucknell University and studied Biology and Women’s and Gender Studies. She is planning to apply to medical school this year, and is most interested in women’s medicine, especially the intersection of advocacy, public policy, and clinical care.
In her free time, Grace loves visiting museums (currently working through all of the Smithsonians!), reading, and when she’s back at home in New Jersey, going “down the shore” to the beach!

Patient Advocate / Intern
Sarah is one of our Patient Advocates excited to learn the medicine, research, and patient advocacy that play into Sexual Medicine. With past experience in community health, harm reduction, and pain management in DC, she aspires to learn new ways to bridge the gap between patients and self-determined care.
She recently graduated from the George Washington University, where she earned a degree in Biology and is currently an MPH candidate. She was born and raised in New York, and spent her teenage years in Dhaka, Bangladesh before moving to DC. She has since been in DC for 7 years and fell in love with the sense of community the city has to offer.
In her free time, she is either scouting for new restaurants and music events or lifting weights at the gym.

Patient Advocate / Intern
Adele comes to medicine after 7 years of non-medical professional experience, ranging from the religious sector to the trades (she was an auto mechanic!). Having experienced the self-empowerment that comes through learning to repair cars, she hopes to use medicine as a tool to empower patients through a similar self-discovery. She is fascinated by the bio-psycho-social approach that is unavoidable in sexual medicine.
She graduated from Brown in 2017. Outside of work, she plays in a billiards league, studies classical organ, and tends to a vegetable and herb garden.